Plastic - Standard
We have an extensive range of ABS, PC, PETG, PMMA, PVC, PS adhesive and accessories.

ABS (acrylonitrile butadiene styrene) is a thermoplastic offering a good balance between physical...

PC (polycarbonate) is a thermoplastic that is characterised by very high impact strength and temp...

PETG (polyethylene terephthalate) is a thermoplastic amorphous polyester that is mainly supplied...

PMMA (polymethyl methacrylate) is a thermoplastic material that is characterised by unbeatable tr...

PVC Hard
PVC is a thermoplastic with extremely good chemical resistance and good fire-retardant properties

PVC Hard – Expanded
PVC Hard expanded (foam core) is characterised by a low specific gravity and high intrinsic rigid...

PS (polystyrene) is a thermoplastic material with extremely good hot forming properties and a fav...

Adhesive and accessories
We stock adhesive for PC, PMMA and PVC, as well as flap hinges and piano hinges made of PMMA and...